Our little boy is finally here, after 3 days of being in Labor and not sleeping at all , he was born Wednesday March 11, 2009 at 10:30 pm. He weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 in long. We are so blessed to have him he is so cute and chunky. I was able to push him out and it only took 30 min to get him out, we were so worried because i had a c section with ryder and this was my last chance to have a baby the natural way. I feel so good, almost no pain and i am full of energy and my back pain is gone!! Ryder has been extremely great with his brother we thought he would be jealous and rough with him. but he is so over protective of him and takes really good care of him and bosses me around to pick him up or feed him. he is also so soft and kisses him like every minute. i am so excited for the months to come and to see him become best buds. here are some pics.................................