It's been so nice to be a stay at home mom. I have enjoyed my boys, yeah it's hard, and I still need to get used to it, but I would'nt change it for anything. Marc is working hard to keep me at home as long as he can. Logan is almost 6 weeks old already. he weighs about 11 1/2 lbs now. He is growing so fast, and last night he slept for 6 hours straight! I finally got 8 hours of sleep! I really needed it. He is smiling now and is awake longer during the day. I still need to get Ryder potty trained, ugh! he is almost 3 years old, I'm starting this week, I bought the toddler wise potty training book, it should come this week, i will read it and get Ryder potty trained this week , this is my goal! It looks like it will be a nice week, it should be in the 70's all week long, I am so excited, I think I will take the boys to the zoo. Here are some pictures of our family enjoying the nice weather....

This was last thursday!, Snow melted in 24 hours. Crazy!