Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ryder's eye Injury!!
Ryder had an accident on monday, he was running around with a marshmallow gun made out of pvc pipe that his grandpa made, he tripped and fell and landed on the gun with his eye!,he cut the inside of his eyelid and there was blood everywhere, i freaked out, i thought he had poked his eye out. it was a really scary experience, i grabbed both of my kids and drove ryder to the hospital. He was so brave and barely cried , I was crying the whole way to the hospital and he kept telling me he was ok, The ER Dr. told me he was lucky that he didn't poke his eye out and that the cornea and pupil were intact and that it would heal on its own but still sent him to an eye doctor the next day. We went home and he slept for 3 hours, when he woke up he wouldn't open his eyes at all. He was acting blind and Marc decided to film him. I took him to the Dr. on Wednesday and luckily everything was perfect and he told us it will take 7 to 10 days for his eye to heal. He is doing great and we are so thankful it wasn't anything worse. Danger is his middle name!! Here are more pictures of his eye.....
Auntie Elsie made him an ice cream cake! Thanks Echis!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rrrasta Ryder
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Logan and Ryder
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I went to walmart by myself to pick up some last minute things for my baby shower . I was doing great on time and was really proud of myself to be moving so fast at this stage in pregnancy. I was able to get everything I needed plus some extra things for the baby. I saw a 7 drawer plastic storage bin on sale for $20 and since last month I had seen it for $32 I had to buy it, I could not pass up this sale. So here I am struggling to put this thing in my little shopping cart. I struggled a little bit but was able to get it in ok. I get in line to pay for my things and I asked the cashier if she can just scan the storage bin in my shopping cart without having to take it out because it was alittle heavy. She was nice and reached with her scanner and didn’t have to move the thing. I pay for my stuff and as I’m walking away I realized she had charged me 28 for the storage bin. I went to the customer service desk to have the price checked and hopefully have it fixed and get some money back, the line was long but I waited anyway, after 10 mi I got to the desk and a nice lady helped me, it took her another 5 min. to check the price and was able to refund the extra money they charged me. I was now 15 min. late to my sisters house. I got to my car finally and I had forgotten that I was driving my husbands 2 door hyundai hatchback. I panicked for a second and thought of taking back that storage bin and forget about it. But I opened the trunk anyway and tried to get this thing in. I could not do it. So imoved to the drivers side door and tried to slide it in to the back seat. It took me 5 min. of struggling but I finally did it. I close the door and put the rest of the stuff I bought in the trunk of the car. I was emptying the cart I realized I hadn’t paid for some fabric paint that was underneath the storage bin. I go back inside the store to pay for them and didn’t have to wait long in line to do so. I paid for them and headed back to my car again. I get to my car and tried opening the door and it was locked. My keys weren’t in my purse and I looked inside the car to find them sitting on the seat, yes I was locked out. What a day huh? At this point I am laughing, I can’t be mad, I then realized I had left the trunk unlocked, so I open the door and take a look and there is no way I’m going to fit in therewith my huge belly to get to the front seat to unlock the door, plus the storage bin is in the back seat. I thought well maybe someone will walk by with a child and I can ask them if they can have their child climb in the back of my car and unlock the door for me. 5 min go by, no one has walked by, I finally realize I can put the seat down and it would give me a little more room to reach the door to unlock it. I get in the teeny trunk and struggled a little but was able to re ach just far enough to unlock the door. I can only imagine what people were thinking at the walmart parking lot. What is this pregnant lady doing in there! I finally get in my car and start driving I’m doing great until I realized I am driving northbound on 1 15 instead of southbound. I laughed so hard I cried!
I have the flu right now, and had a high fever last night , i had to go to the hospital and they kept me overnight and discharged me today at noon. i feel so sick, the worse part is that i'll have to go back to the hospital anyday between now and 2 weeks to have this baby. i hate being at the hospital. come what may and love it right? almost there!